Category Archives: Humor

A writer! Yeah, right..!|Make me smile

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Make me smile

A writer!


What? A Writer!…


Yeah, right!

You kidding me, yeah right!


“Yeah, right! Make me smile!”

When I feel like  I’m blah, or sometimes I have a lack of inspiration, I go to see my friend Bob The cat, at the alley cats next door. He comes always at a certain time of the day to the entry of my building, I usually find him at the threshold of the door,  early in the morning on my way to work or in late afternoon, at five when back home. So we said hi and often I asked him what’s   the weather today, and or the news of the neighborhood, according of the moment. This day, as he didn’t come, so I swung by the alley cat for a small talk, he left his friends just as he saw me and came to meet me half-way. After purrs and hi, I told him that I envisage to become a writer; so now you know the answer.

Ps: Morality; we only have the muse that we can afford.

for the weather forecast, see below

No snow today

No snow today



A Lone writer|snapshot-stories

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The Lone Writer

Taking the slow road, and The Road less traveled


Memories, Speaks_Vladimir Nabokov

_Chalk, Ardoise*, Violet Ink, Fountain Pens, Pencils, stained fingers, Falaqat*, and the like…

 * a flagellation on the sole of my feet! with a long, and thin stick crop from a limb of an olive-tree,  wich I still remember till to today.
_a quick mnemonic method of no harm, used a longtime  ago, by a Taleb, a teacher of sort, for teaching kids the Koran, in Algiers of old. Usually the momentarily little burning on the little soles, it passed  a little while after it was flicked, but the learning of the Koran by rote will last forever. Similarly  to that a method, in Zen Buddhism teachings_  Bashõ, the Zen Master used ago his stick to strike a naïve monk, for  to let him remember his scriptures, it is called Satori. See Zen in Japanese Culture_Suzuki
"The more I read, the more I am itching with words for writing, " 
_G. Flaubert
“You must learn some of my philosophy. Think of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.” _Jane Austen

Then, it was unthinkable for me, of such thing to be on affair with writing; a would be-writer, some forty years ago. Because, it was an affair.

 noun ar·doise \ärˈdwäz\
  : A slate, a stone cut, of a grayish purple that is stronger than 
telegraph blue, bluer and deeper than mauve gray, and bluer 
and paler than average rose mauve, used for handwriting with a piece 
of chalk, for initiating children in Pre-k,in those golden years

The first time when I started doodling Arabic calligraphy with a piece chalk on a slate; it didn’t occur to me then, nor having the slightest thought to be one day a writer,  rather I was in awe before the white chalk handwritings on a blackboard, that I rewrote meticulously on my slate tablet, at first, then on a double-ruled lines handbook, later on, like any other kid on my age, a longtime ago, at the madrassa of the small village, where I spent the precious years of my childhood.

but wait, there’s More-!>


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